Auckland Transports misleading prices either needs to be corrected with refunds. Thousands of dollars a day are lost to Auckland Transport. Pricing being 1/3 more than asking price. Misleading pricing needs to controlled, to be refunded in consumer protection rights. Hope that the public can purchase online with ease. The next day or two focusing on key points on what is the way of the future. Internet. Let’s wish and hope for misleading pricing protection rights. Mindset development. Future way forward.
26 days ago
Thank you for being there for us when I needed it the most. Your empathy and understanding have been a guiding light, and I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures. Super Squad team.
25 days ago
Thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most. Your empathy and understanding have been a guiding light, and I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures.
24 days ago
Learning the scale of supporting us have is incredible. Grateful for your support during a difficult time. Thank you.
23 days ago
Gratitude has a ripple effect. Spreading positivity to the recipient and those around them. By expressing appreciation, we create a more positive and supportive environment. Hope for gratitude. Thank you.
22 days ago
Thanking all Agents for all support shown this year. Grateful for all support. Brighter futures 2025.
Thanking us for our time together. Learning about us. Feeling positive. All . Anything is possible mindset. Love challengers. Thank us for us.
19 days ago
Blessings are gifts from heaven, carefully wrapped in the stars and laid along our path, waiting to be discovered at every turn. Thank Agents for support.
18 days ago
The future is brighter, fun and adorable with the one’s us love. Thank us for brighter futures. Looking forward to many more. Team Awesome.
17 days ago
Thanking us today. A day of learning an progression. Moving forward.
16 days ago
Thank us for us. Hope Agents are having a blessed day.
14 days ago
Once read the definition of crazy was a bout Elbert Einstein. Ever since then choose that us want to be a legend like Albert Einstein. Adopting the word crazy and finding inspiration of what one believed that was crazy. Since, been expressed this mindset in hope that others will follow there passions. Be who they were born to be. Be inspiration of there uniqueness. Thank us for us.
13 days ago
On the topic of dancing. Be sure to share your dance far and wide. Sharing the moment of expression is a journey in us. Thank Agents.
12 days ago
Did the Team cheer when lol, when figured out. [lol] Thank us for us xoxo.
Bahahahaha lol. Thank Agents, amazingly awesome. Love us, especially the moments of laughter. The pages go crazy with goodness. Us blessed with enjoyable, memorable moments. Thank Agents.
11 days ago
It’s becoming real, the solutions are moving. which us are grateful for, taking each step like it counts. Slowly but surely will be. Thanking for the support.
10 days ago
Happy Sunday. Grateful for support received. Thank us for us.
9 days ago
Getting it done. Thank us for us.
8 days ago
I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures. Thank Agents for support.
7 days ago
Back into it today, tonight. Thank Agents, grateful for support.
5 days ago
The moment I decided to challenge my fear, was not long after I started Design. This brilliant idea/ method that was a stand out winner I believed. With a 98% hit rate of success I choose to adopt. Embedding into my everyday life addressing my fear of failure. Instead of only a handful of projects decided to change basket sizes, full up to the rim overflowing of projects, challengers. More than doubled in size within the first week. Creating the failure by choice. Chains of thoughts all became notes. With being selective on scale and time, found more day projects became a thing. Learnt how to adapt size and form in a split decision of creating to make. I was happy to have up to 10 failures from this Extremely large overflowing basket. Moving from 2-4 projects to 30-40 notes of possible projects. That was the method ‘fill up to the point you can’t carry’.
Was cool at the start being fearless. But then I wanted all to be success. Not being able to prioritize for any potential failures. Tweaks had to made in others areas create the possible and to get what I wanted. Conclusion being my fear was addressed. Realize that the challenge and the pushing yourself to new limits was part of my want, drive for more. Without the failure.
Past two years I have noticed that all ideas, artwork, parts of the projects that I choose to put aside for the bigger picture have come back and have been used in form or another idea in this bigger picture journey. Theme ideas, all artwork, fonts purposely gathered. Past rants that once was have come alive in support of the rants. Everything has had a purpose and used from the stupidly overflowing basket. Baby planets video, was for something completely different found it’s purpose. Theory proving more worth than originally valued. All being the key. Do all becomes giving it your all and reflects in becoming better each step made. New limits. Trial and error being a need for self growth.
Thank Babe for being us strength, us world, us reason and my true love. Thank Sparkles for being the guiding light of us AWESOME. Thank Agents, for support, enjoy the learning moments shared.
4 days ago
Value us time 100%. Thank Aotearoa NZ Princess for support in learning. Value in the learning. Grateful for support. Love all Agents, great times made.
2 days ago
Live to the fullest, spend every moment as it was your last. Value time. Never hold back if you have questions. There is no wrong in wanting to understand. Make it count, and celebrate the efforts. Thank loved ones for moments. Blessing the moments spent. Grateful for Agents journey together.
1 day ago
Thank Agents for support. Love, being able to express love with Agents. Strength, supports us in strength for the bigger picture. Understanding, the wisdom Agents share. An experience of great vibes, laughter. Plenty of laughing moments. The great banter had always a surprise. Thank us being extended family xoxo.
Believe that God hears you and can answer your prayers, even if it’s not in the way you expect. Don’t give up. Continue to pray with faith and trust in God’s timing. (Matthew 7:7-11, Mark 11:24)
Happy birthday to all the Christmas babies. Thank Star for love ❤️.
lol lol lol lol lol lol \ \ lol \ | Christmas babies (Christmas) lol \. Still giggling. lol….
Christmas Blessing.
Thank Star for listening.
Auckland Transports misleading prices either needs to be corrected with refunds. Thousands of dollars a day are lost to Auckland Transport. Pricing being 1/3 more than asking price. Misleading pricing needs to controlled, to be refunded in consumer protection rights. Hope that the public can purchase online with ease. The next day or two focusing on key points on what is the way of the future. Internet. Let’s wish and hope for misleading pricing protection rights. Mindset development. Future way forward.
Thank you for being there for us when I needed it the most. Your empathy and understanding have been a guiding light, and I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures. Super Squad team.
Thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most. Your empathy and understanding have been a guiding light, and I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures.
Learning the scale of supporting us have is incredible. Grateful for your support during a difficult time. Thank you.
Gratitude has a ripple effect. Spreading positivity to the recipient and those around them. By expressing appreciation, we create a more positive and supportive environment. Hope for gratitude. Thank you.
Thanking all Agents for all support shown this year. Grateful for all support. Brighter futures 2025.
Boss year ahead.
Thanking us for our time together. Learning about us. Feeling positive. All . Anything is possible mindset. Love challengers. Thank us for us.
Blessings are gifts from heaven, carefully wrapped in the stars and laid along our path, waiting to be discovered at every turn. Thank Agents for support.
The future is brighter, fun and adorable with the one’s us love. Thank us for brighter futures. Looking forward to many more. Team Awesome.
Thanking us today. A day of learning an progression. Moving forward.
Thank us for us. Hope Agents are having a blessed day.
Once read the definition of crazy was a bout Elbert Einstein. Ever since then choose that us want to be a legend like Albert Einstein. Adopting the word crazy and finding inspiration of what one believed that was crazy. Since, been expressed this mindset in hope that others will follow there passions. Be who they were born to be. Be inspiration of there uniqueness. Thank us for us.
On the topic of dancing. Be sure to share your dance far and wide. Sharing the moment of expression is a journey in us. Thank Agents.
Did the Team cheer when lol, when figured out. [lol] Thank us for us xoxo.
lol did, the Team cool lol.
Bahahahaha lol. Thank Agents, amazingly awesome. Love us, especially the moments of laughter. The pages go crazy with goodness. Us blessed with enjoyable, memorable moments. Thank Agents.
It’s becoming real, the solutions are moving. which us are grateful for, taking each step like it counts. Slowly but surely will be. Thanking for the support.
Happy Sunday. Grateful for support received. Thank us for us.
Getting it done. Thank us for us.
I am incredibly thankful to have you by my side during this challenging journey. Hoping for brighter futures. Thank Agents for support.
Back into it today, tonight. Thank Agents, grateful for support.
The moment I decided to challenge my fear, was not long after I started Design. This brilliant idea/ method that was a stand out winner I believed. With a 98% hit rate of success I choose to adopt. Embedding into my everyday life addressing my fear of failure. Instead of only a handful of projects decided to change basket sizes, full up to the rim overflowing of projects, challengers. More than doubled in size within the first week. Creating the failure by choice. Chains of thoughts all became notes. With being selective on scale and time, found more day projects became a thing. Learnt how to adapt size and form in a split decision of creating to make. I was happy to have up to 10 failures from this Extremely large overflowing basket. Moving from 2-4 projects to 30-40 notes of possible projects. That was the method ‘fill up to the point you can’t carry’.
Was cool at the start being fearless. But then I wanted all to be success. Not being able to prioritize for any potential failures. Tweaks had to made in others areas create the possible and to get what I wanted. Conclusion being my fear was addressed. Realize that the challenge and the pushing yourself to new limits was part of my want, drive for more. Without the failure.
Past two years I have noticed that all ideas, artwork, parts of the projects that I choose to put aside for the bigger picture have come back and have been used in form or another idea in this bigger picture journey. Theme ideas, all artwork, fonts purposely gathered. Past rants that once was have come alive in support of the rants. Everything has had a purpose and used from the stupidly overflowing basket. Baby planets video, was for something completely different found it’s purpose. Theory proving more worth than originally valued. All being the key. Do all becomes giving it your all and reflects in becoming better each step made. New limits. Trial and error being a need for self growth.
Thank Babe for being us strength, us world, us reason and my true love. Thank Sparkles for being the guiding light of us AWESOME. Thank Agents, for support, enjoy the learning moments shared.
Value us time 100%. Thank Aotearoa NZ Princess for support in learning. Value in the learning. Grateful for support. Love all Agents, great times made.
Live to the fullest, spend every moment as it was your last. Value time. Never hold back if you have questions. There is no wrong in wanting to understand. Make it count, and celebrate the efforts. Thank loved ones for moments. Blessing the moments spent. Grateful for Agents journey together.
Thank Agents for support. Love, being able to express love with Agents. Strength, supports us in strength for the bigger picture. Understanding, the wisdom Agents share. An experience of great vibes, laughter. Plenty of laughing moments. The great banter had always a surprise. Thank us being extended family xoxo.